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Workshops in Schools with The Discovering Poetry Project


















The Discovering Poetry Project has been successfully used to run workshops in schools and community groups,

with cross curriculum benefits including creative writing, art, performance, observation and literacy.


The workshops can be conducted as part of larger themed projects focusing on the environment, the local area, recycling

or history and are targeted at Primary 3-7. They are also intended to provide hands on assistance to those

responsible for teaching poetry in schools and community groups.


Guide Workshop format

This is intended as a guide structure.

We are happy to structure the format around individual school's requirements.


Stage 1
Setup and Introduction to the teacher and class. The children are split into groups of two or three to access the program.

The Program can be accessed from the internet so it is helpful to have computer access during the workshop. If there is no access to the internet it is possible to load the program onto the computers before the workshop if time allows.

The worksheets can be used in a stand alone basis to conduct workshops if no internet access is available.


Stage 2
Children interact with the program on the computer browsing through various habitats and exploring the concept of the '5 senses'.


Stage 3
The children make their choice of worksheets and choose their items of choice from items provided such as birds feathers,

crab claws, seashells, fishbones etc. The children should be given prior notice to bring their own items to the workshop and in this case should choose the generic worksheet. This stage covers both worksheets and includes the drawing and colouring in of the worksheets.

See example worksheet 1


Stage 4
Presentation of poems to the group in a circle. Discussion time. Musical performance.

See attached example worksheet 2


Recommended times. Minimum two hours, maximum 4/5 hrs for each class.


Digital copies of the Program, copies of the printed worksheets and various 'real world' items are provided.


See the results! Below are examples of completed worksheets produced during workshop sessions.

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